Trials In Tainted Space Time Limit

Max with normal tfing is 10'. You can hit 11' with the halloween event by taking the amazon costume. In the future (or now if you cheat), one will be able to use all does of the goo tf to shapeshift to 11' and then hit 12' by taking the amazon costume. (Patreon is enforcing 40 character limits on their tier titles now). Of Champions and Trials in Tainted Space. Or upgrade your pledge at any time! The human trials are employing the best type of research, says Robert M. He’s a pediatrician and vaccine researcher. He works at the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center in Rochester, Minn. In these trials, adults of all ages are randomly assigned to get either the real vaccine or a placebo (a fake, inactive shot). Each data probe, or pod, can be found in sequence from the main story's questline: First Pod: East jungle of Mhen'ga, at the end of a narrow path. After beating Dane in combat, it can be reclaimed for a bounty of 10,000 credits.


Crew members are NPC's that can stay on the ship

Currently there are a total of 23 crew members 18 of which take up crew space

Trials In Tainted Space Time Limited Edition


With 6 more crewmembers planned


Name Crew/Module
capacity taken
Turret gunner Sexable Oral cumflation scene(s)* Bonuses to ship Other abilities as a crew member Notes
Ardia 1 NoYes Yes None None
  • Ardia can be Booted Off only if her dom level is less than 3
  • After being Booted Off she can be found in the Beach ‘n Surf on Tavros
Amber 1 NoYes Yes None None
  • Can be found in the nursery apartment on Tavros after leaving the crew
Anno 1 YesYes No None
  • Can be found in Anon’s Bar and Board on Tavros after being evicted from the crew
Azra 1 NoYes No None
  • After completing the Tarkus Expedition
    • Gives free access to the following tfs in limited quantities
  • Can be found in the Northeast Esbeth on Mhen'ga after leaving the crew
Bess/Ben 1 NoYes No None None
  • If she was dismissed she can be found in your hangar on Tavros
  • After a certain point in her progression you will become unable to dismiss her
    and will be forced to breakup resulting in her leaving the game permanently
Celise 0 NoYes No None
  • Minor tfs through certain sex scenes
  • Can be found in your hangar on Tavros after sending her away
Eitan 1 NoYes Yes None None
  • Can be found in his villiage on Uveto after being dismissed
Kase 1 YesYes Yes None None
  • Can be found Tavros's residential deck after being evicted from the crew
Kiro 1 YesYes Yes None None
  • Can be found in any bar after being asked to Leave Crew
  • It is impossible to Dismiss Kiro if the player's current ship is The Blade.
Mitzi 1 YesYes No None
  • Hypnosis for certain effect
    • Heat
    • Bimbofication
  • Access to certain unique items by
    giving her cum bubbles of certain sizes for the first time
    • Savicite-Lace Panties in exchange for a Cum Bubble (Small)
    • Rutting Perfume in exchange for a Cum Bubble (Medium)
    • BionaHole (Mitzi) in exchange for a Cum Bubble (Large)
    • Opal Ring in exchange for a Cum Bubble (Huge)
  • Can be found in your hangar on Tavros after Leaving the crew
    • Or if Send to Bizzy she will be at Bizzy's apartment
Nova (Gray Goo Armor) 0 NoYes No None
  • Can be worn as armor
  • Can be removed as an item but will not be recoverable
Olympia 1 YesYes No None None
  • Will only be a crewmember on the Sidewinder
  • Cannot be removed from the Sidewinder
Paige 1 YesYes No
  • Reduce Space travel time by 25%
  • Can teach yoga to learn and maintain the 'Limber' perk
  • Can be found in her studio on Tavros after being dismissed from the crew
Penny 1 YesYes Yes** None None
  • Can be found at the bounty board on Mhen'ga after leaving the crew
Pexiga 0 NoYes*** No None
  • Can be milked for her Saliva
  • Her recruitment status is bound to Yammi
Pippa 1 NoYes No None
  • Gives massages
  • Can be found at her residence on Uveto after being evicted
Ramis 1 YesYes No None
  • Stat training
  • Can be found in Anon’s Bar and Board on Tavros after leaving the crew
Reaha 1 YesYes No None
  • Potential source of income whilst she is in debt
Sera 1 NoYes No None
  • Can be found in the nursery on Tavros after booting her
Shekka 1 YesYes Yes**
  • Ship repair rate of 0.5 per minute when not flying
  • Can be found in her shop on Tarkus after leaving the crew
Siegwulfe 0 YesYes No None
  • Can be used as a combat accessory
  • Can be sold and re-bought as a different model
Varmint 0 No No No None
  • Can be used as a combat accessory
Yammi 1 NoYes No None
  • Can be used to obtain the Home Cookingstatus effect for 50 hours
    • Increases energy and hp gain by 50% when resting
  • Can be found in Iced Teats on New Texas after being evicted from the crew
  • Pexiga will stay with Yammi meaning that if Yammi is evicted Pexiga will go with her
Trials In Tainted Space Time Limit

Trials In Tainted Space Time Limitations


Trials In Tainted Space Time Limits

* Must do so in an easily accessible scene with low requirements. (If you are wondering why this exists it's for easy tracking for a potential source of oral cum intake for the 'Dumb4Cum' and other perks with a similar activation requirements)
** Only if the crewmember has grown a penis
*** Only when Pexiga is Uplifted

Planned Crewmembers

A list of NPCs planned to eventually be added to the crew

Trials In Tainted Space Time Limited

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