Audio Ovladac Dolby Windows 10 Download

Set up, try, and experience Dolby Atmos with immersive, moving audio for your games and movies. This app walks you through the configuration of your Windows 10 PC to support Dolby Atmos over HDMI to your Dolby Atmos enabled home theater or sound bar, or over any set of headphones. The Mac installer for Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite and Dolby Atmos Production Suite are identical. The Dolby Atmos Renderer update to v.3.5.1 is mandatory for Windows users If you subscribed to update notifications in the previous step, we will alert you via email when we release updates.

Dolby is well known by all fans of high-quality audio. It's usually present in the majority of movie theaters, putting the viewer in an atmosphere full of surrounding sounds. Now, we can also enjoy it at home, thanks to this application that we can download and try out for free.

Make the most of Dolby at home

With this application, we can configure our computer to support Dolby Atmos (spatial sound) being able to enjoy a 3D surround sound experience, both for movies and video games. If we've got Windows 10 or an Xbox One, we can download it and use it both with headphones and external audio systems via HDMI.

5.1 or 7.1? Enjoy the best sound however you like.

Dolby Access allows us to use it for free as a demo for 30 days, after which we'll have to pay about $15 to continue accessing it. This decision on behalf of Microsoft is quite controversial amongst users who aren't too keen on having to pay for this implementation which already exists but is inactive by default when we install our operating system. So it's up to you to decide whether it's worthwhile paying to enjoy this wonderful sound system at 100% of its possibilities or continue with the default sound system on our PC or console. In the meantime, here's a summary of what you could be missing out on:

  • Enjoy the Dolby Atmos experience on your PC or console.
  • Configure both headphones and external hardware with Dolby support.
  • Greater realism for your gaming experience.
  • Greater immersion when watching movies.
  • Microsoft should have implemented this option free of charge.
  • Minimum operating system requirements: Windows 10.

The Dolby audio decoder is a Media Foundation transform (MFT) that decodes the following stream types:

  • Dolby Digital, also called Dolby AC-3
  • Dolby Digital Plus, also called Enhanced AC-3 (E-AC-3)


For versions of Windows prior to Windows 8, the Microsoft implementation of the Dolby Digital technology is restricted under terms of the Dolby Digital licensing program to use by Microsoft applications.

For more information about these formats, refer to Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) document Digital Audio Compression Standard (AC-3, E-AC-3) Revision B.

The decoder can also convert a Dolby Digital Plus stream to Dolby Digital format for AC-3 S/PIDF output, or format a Dolby Digital Plus stream for HDMI digital output.

Class Identifier

The class identifier (CLSID) of the Dolby audio decoder is CLSID_CMSDDPlusDecMFT, defined in the header file wmcodecdsp.h.

Input Types

The Dolby audio decoder supports the following input subtypes.

Dolby audio app windows 10
MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3Dolby Digital audio.mfapi.h
MEDIASUBTYPE_DVMDolby Digital audio; see Audio Subtypes. This subtype can be used interchangeably with MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_AC3.
MFAudioFormat_Dolby_Digital_PlusDolby Digital Plus audio.mfapi.h

Dolby Audio Install Windows 10

The following table lists the requires and optional attributes for the input media type.

MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPEMajor type.Required. Must be MFMediaType_Audio.
MF_MT_SUBTYPEAudio subtype.Required. See the previous table for details.
MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECONDSample rate, in samples per second.Optional. Valid values are: 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, and 16000. If this attribute is not set, the default value is 48000.
Dolby AC-3 streams are limited to the three highest rates in this list.

MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELSNumber of channels, including the low frequency (LFE) channel, if present.Optional. Valid values are in the range 1 (mono) to 8 (7.1 channel configuration). If this attribute is not set, the default value is 2 (stereo).
MF_MT_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MASKSpecifies the assignment of audio channels to speaker positions.Optional. If specified, the value must be consistent with the number of audio channels. If the attribute is not set, the decoder uses a default channel mask, based on the number of channels.

The following table lists the supported Dolby channel configurations.

Channel configurationNumber of channelsChannel masks
1/0 (mono)10x4 (SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER)
2/0 (stereo) or 1+1 (dual mono)20x3 (SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT)
3/2/2 + LFE
Dolby Digital Plus only.


In addition, channel configurations 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 2/1, 3/1, and 2/2 may also appear with an LFE channel.

Output Types

The Dolby audio decoder supports the following output subtypes.

MFAudioFormat_Dolby_AC3_SPDIFDolby AC-3 audio formatted for S/PDIF digital output.mfapi.h
KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEC61937_DOLBY_DIGITAL_PLUSDolby Digital Plus audio formatted for HDMI digital output.ksmedia.h
MFAudioFormat_FloatIEEE 32-bit floating-point PCM audio
Windows 10: stereo, 5.1, 7.1
Previous versions: stereo, 5.1
MFAudioFormat_PCM16-bit PCM audio
Windows 10: stereo, 5.1, 7.1
Previous versions: stereo, 5.1

The following table lists the required and optional attributes for the output media type.

MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPEMajor type.Required. Must be MFMediaType_Audio.
MF_MT_SUBTYPEAudio subtype.Required. See the previous table for details.
MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECONDSample rate, in samples per second.Required. Valid values are: 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, and 16000. The output sample rate must be identical to the input sample rate. The decoder cannot change the sampling rate of the stream.
MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELSNumber of channels, including the low frequency (LFE) channel, if present.Required for PCM output.
Not needed for digital output.
If the input type is mono, stereo, or dual-mono (all without LFE channel), the only valid value is 2, for stereo output. Otherwise, the value can be:
  • 2 for stereo downmix
  • 6 for 5.1 channel configurations
  • 8 for 7.1 channel configurations
MF_MT_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MASKSpecifies the assignment of audio channels to speaker positions.Required for PCM output if the number of channels is greater than 2. The value must be:
  • 0x3 for stereo output
  • 0x3F for 5.1 channel output
  • 0x63F for 7.1 channel output
Not needed for digital output.
MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLENumber of bits per audio sample.Required for PCM output. The value must be 32 for MFAudioFormat_Float, and 16 for MFAudioFormat_PCM.
Not needed for digital output.
MF_MT_AUDIO_VALID_BITS_PER_SAMPLENumber of valid bits of audio data in each audio sample.Optional for PCM output. If set, the value must be identical to MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE.
Not needed for the digital output subtypes.
MF_MT_AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGNMENTBlock alignment, in bytes.Optional for PCM output. Not needed for digital output.
MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECONDAverage number of bytes per second.Optional for PCM output. Not needed for digital output.

Transform Attributes

The Dolby audio decoder implements the IMFTransform::GetAttributes method. The application can use this method to get or set the following attributes.

CODECAPI_AVDecAudioDualMonoSpecifies whether a 2-channel Dolby audio stream is encoded as stereo or dual-mono. Before the first Dolby frame is decoded, the value is eAVDecAudioDualMono_UnSpecified. After decoding begins, the value reflects the most recent Dolby frame.
CODECAPI_AVDecAudioDualMonoReproModeSpecifies how the decoder reproduces dual-mono audio. The default value is eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode_LEFT_MONO. The application can set this property at any time.
CODECAPI_AVDecCommonMeanBitRateFor Dolby Digital (AC-3) streams, specifies the bit rate of the input stream in bits per second. For Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3), the value is always zero.
Read only.
CODECAPI_AVDecDDDynamicRangeScaleHighThe high-level cut when the decoder performs dynamic range control.
CODECAPI_AVDecDDDynamicRangeScaleLowThe low-level boost when the decoder performs dynamic range control.
CODECAPI_AVDecDDOperationalModeThe compression control mode.
CODECAPI_AVDecDDStereoDownMixModeThe type of stereo downmix. This property applies when the input is a multichannel stream and the output is a stereo stream.
MFT_SUPPORT_DYNAMIC_FORMAT_CHANGEThis attribute returns FALSE, indicating that the decoder must be drained before a new input type is set.


The decoder accepts only raw Dolby streams, as defined by A/52B. Payloads such as Packetized Elementary Streams (PES) are not supported. For Dolby Digital Plus, the decoder decodes up to 5.1 channels. On Windows 10, 7.1 channel streams are decoded without downmix. On previous OS versions, if the stream is 7.1 channels, only the 5.1 channel downmix will be decoded. If the stream is Dolby Digital Plus with more than one independent substream, only independent substream 0 is decoded. The decoder skips other independent substreams. In addition, the decoder skips all dependent substreams. The decoder supports decryption and decoding of streams that are protected by Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology.

If the input media type has a channel configuration other than mono, stereo, or dual-mono (all without LFE channel), the decoder provides two options for the output channel configurations:

  • 8-channel output (7.1 channel configuration)
  • 6-channel output (5.1 channel configuration)
  • Stereo downmix

If stereo downmix is selected, the type of downmix can be set on the MFT by using the CODECAPI_AVDecDDStereoDownMixMode property.

If the output type is MFAudioFormat_Dolby_AC3_SPDIF, each output buffer contains 6,144 bytes. The buffer starts with an 8-byte S/PDIF header, followed by a compressed AC-3 frame, followed by zero padding to 6,144 bytes.

If the output type is KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEC61937_DOLBY_DIGITAL_PLUS, each output buffer contains 24,576 bytes. The buffer starts with an 8-byte S/PDIF header, followed by 1–6 compressed Dolby Digital Plus frames corresponding to 1,536 PCM samples, followed by zero padding to 24,576 bytes. For HDMI output, only independent substream 0 is packed.

The decoder MFT is registered with the flag MFT_ENUM_FLAG_FIELDOFUSE, which indicates that the MFT that must be unlocked by the application before use. For more information, see Field of Use Restrictions.


Minimum supported client
Windows 8 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server
None supported

Install Dolby Audio Driver Windows 10

See also