Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws Pdf In Marathi

Ajit Prakashan's Model Bye Laws of Cooperative Housing Society including Election to Committee Rules 2014 English Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. 60.This is the model Bye Laws.

  1. Disclaimer: We have converted the Cooperative Housing Society bye-laws, Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act and Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Rules in web format so that the readers can quickly search the relevant section / bye-law / rule no. We are trying to update it as much as possible.
  2. These Bye Laws have been printed in English & Marathi by the Mumbai District Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd. After approval of the Commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune given vide letter dated. Ten important changes made therein are explained as under by Adv.



Government of Maharashtra has already passed 97th Constitutional Amendment on 14th February, 2013. State Government has amended Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 by Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013.

The Dy. Registrar of each zone in Mumbai has issued Circular No. 503 dated 28.02.2013 to adopt New Model Bye Laws before 30th April, 2013 in General Body Meeting.

It is mandatory for all Co-operative Housing Societies to call for a Special General Body Meeting before 30th April, 2013 to adopt the New Model Bye-Laws of Co-operative Housing Society as per 97th Constitutional Amendment and Maharashtra Co-op. Societies (Amendment) Ordinance 2013.

After approval of New Model Bye-laws, Co-operative Housing Societies need to send the approved Model Bye-Laws to Dy. Registrar of Societies for their approval.

The silent features of these amendments governing the Co-operative Housing Societies in Maharashtra are described hereunder:

Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws Pdf In Marathi Download

1. There will be only 2 types of Members i.e. Nominal & Associate Member as against Nominal, Associate & Sympathiser Member as per old Act. Sympathiser Member is deleted.

2. Member is further classified as Active Member & Non-Active Member. Active Member is defined as one who participates in the affairs of the Society and utilizes the minimum level of services or products of that Society as may be specified in the Bye-Laws.

Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws Pdf In Marathi Pdf

3. Member not attended 1 AGM in 5 years and if does not utilizes minimum level of services at least once in 5 consecutive years as may be specified in Bye-Laws shall be classified as Non-Active Member.

4. Non-Active Member shall be liable for expulsion u/s 35 and also not entitled for Vote. Non-Active Member can be Active Member on fulfilment of above criteria.

5. A new State Co-operative Election Authority would be constituted by State Government u/s 73CB to conduct elections of Co-operative Societies to have transparency in election process.

6. It is the duty of present Managing Committee to intimate State Co-operative Election Authority for holding of its election before expiry of its terms. If there is any default on the part of Managing Committee to inform, action u/s 77A will be initiated against Managing Committee Members.

7. Every Society will have to deposit in advance the estimated amount of election expenses as the Election fund with State Co-operative Election Authority.

8. Every Managing Committee Member shall undergo co-operative education and training through State Federal Societies or the State Apex Training Institutes for the prescribed period as decided by Govt.

9. Every Society shall contribute annually towards such Education and Training Fund of State Federal Societies or the State Apex Training Institutes at the rates as may be prescribed.

Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws Pdf In Marathi Free

10. Contribution to Education Fund as per old provision u/s 68 discontinued.

11. Maximum number of Committee members shall be 21.

Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws Pdf In Marathi Language

12. Section 73BBB with regard to reservation of Woman Member in Managing Committee is deleted. But reservation for women is given in new section 73C for 2 women irrespective of size of Managing Committee.

13. Managing Committee Member will be disqualified if he is classified as Non-Active Member

14. Government has withdrawn powers of Registrar to suspend the Managing Committee of Housing Societies as also to appoint an Administrator in Housing Societies.

15. Due date for taking AGM will be 30th September i.e. 6 months after end of each financial year. No extension will be granted for postponing the AGM after 30th September. If Society fails to conduct AGM within due date, Registrar will have the authority to conduct AGM.

16. Society has to file Returns to Registrar within 6 months after end of each financial year and inform the name of Auditor to Registrar within 1 month of AGM.


17. Auditor should not accept audits more than 20 Societies (excluding paid up share capital of less than Rs. 1 Lac) in a financial year.


18. Audit Rectification report should be placed before next AGM and also to be submitted to the Registrar.

19. Every Co-operative Housing Societies has to form Grievances Settlement and Redressal Committee to deal with the grievances of the Members and the Society, relating to its business & management. The Grievances Settlement and Redressal Committee shall be formed in AGM. The said Committee shall consist of 3 active members & shall be other than Managing Committee members.
